Under 1 Roof
Under 1 Roof houses a combination of high-quality, innovative yet affordable children’s activities and services all in one place and all under one roof. Come and see what there is for you and your family in this unique and welcoming atmosphere.
Available Packages
Superhero Party (20 kids)
Ka-Pow! Learn to be a superhero at superhero school.
- Age: 0-12 years old
- Duration: 2h-4h
- Character Party Host: Included
- Hosted Games: Included
- Prizes: Included
- Music and Lighting: Included
- Party Invites: Included
- Individual Certificates: Included
- Bouncy Castle: Optional
- Candy Cart: Optional
Princess Party (20 kids)
Make your fairy-tale dreams come true.
Our princesses will whisk your little ones into a fairy-tale world with two hours of nonstop fun.
- Age: 0-12 years old
- Duration: 2h-4h
- Character Party Host: Included
- Hosted Games: Included
- Prizes: Included
- Music and Lighting: Included
- Party Invites: Included
- Individual Certificates: Included
- Bouncy Castle: Optional
- Candy Cart: Optional
- Party Bags: Optional
- Disco: Optional
- Red Carpet/Backdrop: Optional
Ninja Party (20 kids)
Our Ninja parties are held in our own bespoke dojos run by Pyramid Martial Arts.
- Age: 0-12 years old
- Duration: 2h-4h
- Character Party Host: Included
- Hosted Games: Included
- Prizes: Included
- Music and Lighting: Included
- Party Invites: Included
- Individual Certificates: Included
- Bouncy Castle: Optional
- Face Painting: Optional
Tel: 020 3247 4417
Email: mail@under1roofkids.com
Opening Times
- Monday - Sunday : 09:00 - 17:00